Day 650, Fatherly Love

There is something in the water down there at Rapid Bay. Everything seems to be pregnant!

Well this Leafy Seadragon is not exactly pregnant. In fact it’s not even a girl but a male expressing its fatherly love.

The male Leafy Seadragon takes care of the eggs immediately after they are fertilized for the entire term until hatching. In fact, once the female lays her eggs she plays no further part in child rearing and is free to go off and do what female seadragons do.

By the look of his eggs and how clean they are I’d say these were freshly hatched. Very soon they will be covered in a green algae so they become less conspicuous. I am looking forward to watching their progress.

Photo: Robert Rath, ‘Day 650, Fatherly Love’, 1/50s f/10 ISO320 40mm +2

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