As beautiful as my last dive was I was a little disappointed that I was not able to find and photograph more critters. What else could I photograph while on the last of my air? A selfie or something way more interesting? My dive watch! So here it is buckled to an unsuspecting ascidian. Not […]
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Things That Go Bump In The Night
Well it was more like ‘boo’ than ‘bump’ as this rough rock crab (Nectocarcinus integrifrons) stood its ground. I am not sure who was more surprised as I swam past a pylon to find this guy, claws reared, and that unmistakable ‘do you want a piece of me!’ look in its eyes. I am sure […]
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The European Featherduster Worm (Sabella spallanzani) is an unwanted and feral guest in our South Australian waters. For the most part they are quite unattractive, living in silty conditions and lacking the vibrant rich orange fans of its native local cousin. Anyone who has dived recently in Westlakes waterways would attest to the ugly mess […]
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It has been way too long since I have been diving. What with work, the weather, too cold, too wet, reluctant dive buddies and any other number of reasons it just simply has not happened since July! Last Thursday night I needed to travel south for non diving reasons and decided that since I was […]
Read MoreWatching Waiting Wondering
All divers who venture into the world of macro photography have a story or two about the giant bull ray or the swimming elephant that swam on up, peered over their shoulder, wondered for moment what ever could be that small and still be interesting before of swimming off again. Usually the first the diver […]
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