He steals a glance while texting his mates. She captures the sunset while listening to her favorites. They enjoy the sand while engaged in their own games. All of us doing more and being less. Photo: Robert Rath, ‘Multitasking’ 1/15s f/7.1 ISO640 50mm
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A friend asked if I could photograph bottles, I said I’d never tried but would have a go. What I discovered is that it is not easy to get a really good high-key isolated image. I’ll definitely need more practice but here’s a first offering. Photo: Robert Rath, ‘Irish’ 1/200s f/16 ISO250 100mm 3xStrobes
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Another image maker captures the twilight in their own vision. Whenever I see another photographer on the beach looking at the same sunset as myself, aiming their camera and capturing the scene I wonder how their vision differs from mine. I wonder if they see anything I do not and I wonder what the result […]
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I am not sure what these spikey things found washed along our local shore are or where they come from. They do however remind me of the tumbleweeds from old western movies only spikier. Photo: Robert Rath, ‘Beach Tumbleweed, 1s f/22 ISO100 15mm
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