If you spend a little time exploring this image you might start noticing how the blurred images of reality echo the sharp lines of cobalt blue. So often I will capture an image because it just feels interesting. Later while editing I’m both surprised and delighted by the things I never saw. I wonder how […]
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Angry Bird
Call it a toy or call it a tool this angry bird has proven it can be both at the same time. As a photographic tool it has made possible images I could achieve no other way. I have captured images taken at eye level as if on a tripod, perhaps over water or leaning […]
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A friend asked if I could photograph bottles, I said I’d never tried but would have a go. What I discovered is that it is not easy to get a really good high-key isolated image. I’ll definitely need more practice but here’s a first offering. Photo: Robert Rath, ‘Irish’ 1/200s f/16 ISO250 100mm 3xStrobes
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