Nineteen Years

Nineteen years ago today I met this amazing Irish woman who turning my life upside down, inside out and helped me to rescue that creative, playful, curious child inside that I thought I’d left behind long ago. Nighteen years later, here we are celebrating with a day of singing, rollerskating, messing about in boats on […]

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Love Takes All Forms

There is no doubt at all in my mind that there is more here than the instinctual caring for a newborn child. I watched her for a time and was enchanted by the way she nudged and guided and snuggled and swam with her beautiful baby. In those privileged moments I fell in love with […]

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Some moments are beyond words, beyond description. In this moment the ocean’s murky gloom fell away as mother brought her newborn calf out of the deep water towards the light and the life-giving air above. In this moment I forgot I was hanging in a vast ocean far away from my everyday life. All that […]

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