Goniocidaris tubaria

Such a strange name for a strange creature; Goniocidaris tubaria. Actually this odd looking ball of spikey arms is one of our local sea urchins. There really is nothing typical about the appearance of a sea urchin. They all have a hard body called a ‘last’ but the ‘last’ is an internal structure and not […]

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Rapid Bay Morning

Perhaps once or twice I may have mentioned how much I love Rapid Bay. I personally believe this part of our coastline is a somewhat forgotten treasure with so many people opting for more commercial places to visit on the weekend within that 1-2 hours drive radius around Adelaide. The first time I explored the […]

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Wondering What It’s Like To Dive

Ok so it’s the start of winter and as the water gets colder the neoprene gets thicker, the gloves get donned and the hood gets worn in a kind of claustrophobic sufferance. By now thoughts of exotic warm dive locations are distant memories and the shine of the idea of being a diver is starting […]

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