Cruisin Through Algae

Fishery Beach at the very bottom of the Fleurieu Peninsula faces south west onto Backstairs Passage, one of the most perilous waterways in Australia. If it’s not the 4 knot currents or claptopic seas then it’s the men in grey suits who prowl beneath the surface that make this part of our coastline unique. But […]

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Wondering What It’s Like To Dive

Ok so it’s the start of winter and as the water gets colder the neoprene gets thicker, the gloves get donned and the hood gets worn in a kind of claustrophobic sufferance. By now thoughts of exotic warm dive locations are distant memories and the shine of the idea of being a diver is starting […]

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Armed and Ready

Alexius armed and ready with his new toy. Today’s Rapid Day dive was wonderful and the the visibility has mostly returned after two weeks of milky broth. Armed with his macro and close up lenes there are nudibranchs and other critters now ordering sunglasses for next time. Now all I need to do is convince […]

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