Benthic Bliss

Some South Australian scuba divers love doing it on the bottom! That’s where all the benthic action happens and is a treasure trove of sights and wonders most missed by pelagic divers. Here on the bottom amid the sponges and ascidians a world of macro activity is constantly taking place. In this image a grazing […]

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Seacliff Choir

Sunday’s dive on Seacliff Reef had some of the best visibility I have seen here in our local waters for months. There was almost no need for the sounder as the bottom was perfectly clear 12 meters down beneath the boat. I wished I’d brought a wide angle setup for this dive as the underwater […]

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Alien Seed

These enigmatic and almost unnerving sponges around Edithburgh Jetty seem to me like some ancient sentinel lifeform left to observe the passage of evolution. When I think of them in that way it no longer seems strange that these are animals, not plants, and that it is more than likely that this sentinel began its […]

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Another World

This hand sized fan worm is one of the many spectacular creatures that inhabit our local waters. I say local but it really is another world altogether. It looks like a plant; like some exotic miniature palm tree. This guy however is a worm which builds a tubular casing away from its supporting structure so […]

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